16 January 2011

Be Fruitful and Multiply

In the early hours on Saturday January 15 the spirit of the Lord impressed something I hadn’t seen about a scripture. Be Fruitful and then Multiply! More than a simple passage in God’s Word – but an ever perpetuating truth drawn from the deep wells of His Spirit. Man, I love the Lord’s deep rivers and rich resources!

In the 3rd hour of the morning came a compressed download concerning a nugget of truth concerning the time that we are in. Like other information that comes mostly in dreams, I spend the time meditating, inquiring and loading it into my spirit so I can get the skinny on what the Lord is saying today.

Audibly I heard, “Be fruitful and multiply”

Simply put, the Lord showed me the meaning of this ‘compound sentence’ found in the Book of Genesis 1:22 - principles intended to flow out into all facets of life.

In the book of Genesis - the explanation of creation, the preceding verses in chapter 1 a fundamental description is outlined about how the Lord fashioned the earth, distributed the raw materials for produce in the form of grasses and herbs that yields seed, and the fruit trees that yield fruits whose seed is in its self on the earth. Next the animal life then the creation of man with whom He gave dominion and was to govern all. (You know the story). Gen 2:5 reads; ‘before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown, for the Lord had not caused it to rain on the earth’ (the earth was void of purpose that is before he created man and living creatures). And there was no man to till the ground.

God created a special garden eastward in Eden as a habitation for Adam and placed him there. Eden then was to be a central location rich in resources, abundant in healing fruits and from which the wealth of Mans’ fellowship with the Lord would flow out of the main river and part into four riverheads; Pi’shon meaning one which skirts the whole land where there is gold. Gi’hon –one that goes around the whole land of Cush, Hid’dekel –one that goes to the east of Assyria and Euphrates. Gen 2:10.

The application to this Rehma word is twofold: 1- While the condition of the earth is a far cry from the atmosphere surrounding Eden, the Lord is still active in planting, seed throwing. And until we are relieved by the trumpet shout -we remain in charge of cultivating the earth. 2- Bearing fruit and multiplication. Yes, the Lord is still expecting a crop and we can see exponential growth especially in the latter rain.

So what is the Lord saying? The passage in Genesis can be viewed accordingly;

   1- Being fruitful is to be productive, making use of the ample provisions the Lord distributes on the  earth as in Gen 2:5. Being fruitful is the reward of good stewardship and management of all resources.

   2- Multiplication is the exponential growth more appropriately termed as reproduction.

One application of this vision was also translated in terms of the current conditions of the inhabitants of the earth. Whole nations are suffering for because of the lack of wisdom found in the Word of God. I literally saw droves of persons sneaking into the United States (illegals) who are void of understanding, who have not been giving a ‘religious heritage’ who have not been taught to fear the Lord and who come hear not to till the land but to rob from and strip it! As a result, those who are not contributors and producers are bleeding the resources of the great nation.

Yet another disheartening reality is the condition of our own children who are not being taught the basics. Problems and conflicts are the fruits of ignorance and unfortunately these issues will perpetuate themselves to future generations.

It is on us church! Our homes, our work, our government officials, our nation all benefit from the rich resources that are found in the river of God. And in this very hour the Wisdom of the Lord is to be scattered like seed.

We are called to occupy and to be a central location rich in resources, abundant in healing fruits and from which the wealth of mans’ fellowship with the Lord would flow out of the main river and part into the riverheads being our homes, occupations, government and economy.

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About Me

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Greg is currently employed as a police detective within a diverse culture and high crime area of Michigan. He is a student of Theology and Business. Greg has over 25 years of experience in prophetic ministry and is a seasoned minister of the gospel. He has been a conference and convention speaker in the U.S. and abroad. He is a Senior Chaplain with International Fellowship of Chaplains and has served on the board as a Corporate Liaison and Public Relations. Greg lives in Michigan with his wife Julie. They have seven children. Julie is a professional counselor. Greg is completing work on his first book ‘WARRIOR of the FINISHER’
