31 January 2010

2010 Part II

A prophetic journal
Part II of the Year 2010

Dear reader;

At the beginning of this New Year I was driven back to the writing pad to document a dream to be released to the Body of Christ as a trumpet call on what the Lord is doing this year. I am aware of an awakening that is occurring in our midst.

In Part I. I shared a dream and prophetic vision of 2010. Because of the nature of revelation being a bit strong during the time of receiving, I have found it wise to stop at a certain point to let what I believe God has spoken to saturate my spirit and receive further guidance as to what to do with the information. It is also always a good biblical policy – especially for those who prophecy to judge and let it be judged; The spirit of the prophets - are subject to the prophets 1 Cor 14:29-32. –especially in these controversial times we live in to be as clear and precise as possible being certain to be His best spokesmen. With that in mind I continue submitting these journals and invite you to weigh the content against what is given to others who are tasked to contribute a portion of what God may be saying today.

Part II a journal for 2010:

In Part I, I shared a vision I received on the first day of the year. Part II consists of more clarification of the initial revelation.

1) I was shown an army of angelic hosts mobilizing for this time sent to minister to the saints in the midst of the battle field. The more I sought this out the clearer it was that there was going to be angelic presence protection and strength for the times ahead.
2) That God is preparing and equipping regional leaders.
3) That movement from heaven that will cause tremors in the government.
4) It was revealed that this is going to be a year of ‘God's government’.
5) Movement starting in cities.
6) God will issue an indictment on terrorism

1) Angelic positioning:
Angels are being dispatched to regions. These are warring angels described in many of the books of the Old and New Testaments. Their function is to provide portholes in the heavens whereby the saints can be encouraged and refreshed in battle. Because of certain strongholds who occupy in this earthly realm due to Lucifer’s fall, the saints will need an edge to maneuver and take authority in cities. (See phase VI)

2) Equipping Leaders:
The priesthood is being cleansed and restored. God is bringing a revival and fresh revelation about our position in the body of Christ as priests who will again understanding about their roles as mediators and peacemakers. The Lord has already spoken to prophets in the Carolina’s and given detailed revelation about this revival and revelation to the saints. This move of God will be responsible for moving the church out of walls of the church and back into public leadership roles. This message will spread nation wide in this year.

The Lord is keying in on missed links in communication between the church and government. The current sobering we have experienced here in America has come as a result of God’s own hand. He has shown what can only be described as a disconnect and mistrust between leaders in those respective realms. This I believe due to the lack of involvement in world and government affairs and the past the inability of the church to adequately relate in a proper spirit. It is evident in many churches that there is a bit if a stir. The Lord is very active adjusting the attitudes of the saints.
Many pastors and teachers will be put to task on developing the Body of Christ in the biblical mandate of maturing the saints. Eph 4: Not an easy task but far more productive than maintaining the norm. To achieve this, many will receive an increase of dreams and visions spoken of in the Book of Joel: Joel 2:28. These visions are strategies are anointed strategies that will be deployed as ministry offices organized as trans-local teams. Those teams will prove to be powerful and have authority as a three-fold cord. Once realigned they will go to the front lines having a renewed sense of purpose with increased effectiveness in churches, local government, military and the courts. The Lord is teaching the church how to function in positions of authority in government. As one who is employed in a governmental position as a peace officer, I have experienced first hand many in the community who trust neither entity.

Public Servants:
The key to true authority is having a noble and true spirit of excellence toward those we serve. This means taking on the characteristics of a servant who can exercise restraint and who is willing to declare through deeds that we are a different breed and of the Kingdom of God.

My role in the public as a peace officer I have found that being direct straight and honest with persons who file complaints, witnesses to crimes and perpetrators alike has proven to be most fruitful. As a result I have enjoyed a record of getting good cooperation in criminal investigations and have been able to solve many cases all without having to lie and manipulate. There has been a significant increase in police dramas on television and much of which give the wrong impression about police and politicians depicting public servants as unethical. This has a tendency to sow doubt into the minds of viewers and fosters mistrust of government officials. The bottom line is whatever office or profession we serve in, we will do well to run clean campaigns and become trusted by the people from all walks because we are servants. People are more inclined to support a servant over a dictator hands down.

Apologizing and Identifying with our region:
Identifying with persons who have been offended and apologizing for the sins of this nation including local officials who have given offices of trust a bad name. This is good and it is to be the role of ‘weeping prophets’ who grieve the loss of a Nations’ morals and departure from the foundations on which any great city is founded. This is a key point and I have experienced the fruit of this strategy throughout my career. Many are the number of people who I have had to interview as witnesses to a crime or who’s family member are a victim of a crime that begin with stories of being offended by a police officer. Some are simply disgruntled and hard to reason with, but others were truly justified in their complaint. I have found it a good policy to apologize on the behalf of my brothers and sisters in the law enforcement field and learn from those mistakes.

3) Governmental shaking:
In Part I, I shared a vision given on the first day; ‘Politicians who have disgraced the U.S. Constitution with perverted laws and bills would become fearful and act utterly stupid because God is about to confound the wise.’
At the time of drafting Part II I was elated and felt a great sense of joy when in the Massachusetts Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy was filled by a semi-conservative Scott Brown. Very significant, and I do believe it was a response from heaven to prayers and petitions of Christians. There will be more to come. As I inquired further revelation on this I sensed that the Lord is pleased with His people who have pressed in and interceded on the behalf of this nation. Moreover, those who have evaluated current world affairs have taken to the Lord have brought petitions to the Lord on behalf of our government.

A division in politics:
1) The Lord is disciplining and confusing political thinking. This current political turmoil is not entirely due to any particular candidate or the faults of the current administration in Washington. While a lot of the blame goes those in congress who cast their votes, it comes back to ‘We the People who put them in that seat to speak on our behalf. It is time to start calling them out and hold them accountable.

2) I can’t help but see the Lord’s hand when I see all of the feathers flying. While it is serious on one hand - it is comical on the other. I just love the Lord and His powerful ways! We are indeed so very small and needy and recent events should make us all realize it. Our nation’s inability to stay their reckless course is very obvious, like trying to keep a bowling ball on the deck of a ship in a storm. In all the scrambling the Lord can set this nation on the right course again. Many politicians will fall but the Lord has already prepared replacements. This is a result of God’s people crying out to Him and His answer to this nation.

The shake out:
There are at least two types of persons being exposed in the political arena;
1. Negative critics who are always in dissension who can never agree on any progressive change. Like a stubborn horse and who buck and seek to depart from the constitutional guidelines.
2. Positive peacemakers who come to terms and are solution oriented in the affairs of the nation. They are mindful of the basis for public office is the constitution and -We the People. The latter are those who will be raised up and used in a very profound way in the days ahead.

4) It was revealed that this is going to be a year of ‘God's government’.
I see the Lord planting representatives who are full of the Holy Spirit in the 3 branches of the U.S. government – Executive, Judicial and Legislative. These servants will have a ‘Daniel Anointing’

Daniel Anointing:
It has been my experience that community officials will gain respect for Christians when we get off our ‘religious horse’ back unto ground level and start speaking the language of the people.
To illustrate this may I draw your attention to the Book of Daniel who was a prophet used and trusted in a governmental role. 1) Officials looked to him for counsel. 2) He was in-tune, keenly aware and accurate with information. 3) He was sanctified unto the Lord but could rise to the occasion when called upon to be a light and be instrumental in the affairs of kings. He was an ambassador of heaven and earth. This is a very key component. I believe that the Lord is able to give the church a ‘Daniel anointing’ and to see just how powerful it is let us look at the example in ministry to government.

Keys found in the Book of Daniel:
1) Daniel was a captive of Judah and the king of Babylon took Daniel among others who were nobles. The criteria for serving was that these nobles were gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had the ability to serve in the kings palace, and whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldean's. This is vital in being good ambassadors; becoming familiar with the language of people groups. Not just dialects, but knowing were people are coming from, their cultures and beliefs. This is a day where we are to give ourselves to this understanding.
There are many of Daniels attributes that enabled him to rise to favor. And during that period he was made ruler over the whole providence of Babylon. Dan 2:48. This passage, if viewed from a religious spirit could be over looked as we know Babylon was a city that came under judgment. After all, how can the man of God serve such an unstable king in and his kingdom.It was because Daniel was not serving the earthly king but was operating on a whole different level, having the spiritual eye of an eagle seeing a much broader picture.

2) Daniel distinguished himself over all the rulers and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him. The king gave thought of setting him over the whole realm. Dan 6:3.
This is a position God’s people should be in. God gave Daniel favor because he was teachable and a different kind of warrior. And when it came time to be tested at the hands of his accusers and when he was thrown to the lions he remained stable. And just look at the response of Nebuchadnezzar and compelled to enforce his decree ordering Daniels execution. Nebuchadnezzar did not rest the day Daniel was thrown to the lions. Because of his exposure to Daniels God, faith rose up in him that His God would intervene – and He did. It is interesting to note that God sent an angel to close the lion’s mouth preventing the animal from harming Daniel. Dan 6:20-22.

The lessons found in Daniel are a common traits or character deposits from the God who drives them deep into the spirit of those who seriously grasp who the Lord really is. Daniel was trained in the art of war in the secret place of the Most -High God. Daniel was taken to the place where he found wisdom and deep revelation that resulted in having the ability to fight on a much different level. I want that - don’t you? It is this same inpartation that will propel the church toward a partnership with the Lord in the commission of the great harvest!

Confronters and Peacemakers:
This year and forward marks the year of when God calls out additional attributes. Jesus ministry was all about people. After all it was the very reason He left heaven. When we look at some of His exploits it is clear that He was not weak. Jesus knew what, when and how to confront. He did not make it political nor did He gather an army and call down the wrath of heaven to level the arrogant leaders who were blind to the Kingdom of God. But Jesus introduced just how the purposes of His Father would be accomplished. Jesus was assertive and in the true meaning of the word; forcefully strong, noticeable and confident and able to state His position and claim. The Lord does want to teach us how to be confronters - skilled in the art of pulling back the bow string, knowing how to hit the target identifying just what to aim at.

Soldiers are necessary in this dispensation, especially today, because of the need to keep peace. One translation is skilled and experienced fighter or warrior or military strategist. Soldiers are defenders of our societies and keep the peace. Today’s leaders will be groomed in the art of war whose’ purpose be that of a peacemaker and bring reconciliation to others.

The same qualifications set forth in the instructions given to Timothy from the apostle Paul applies today. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself in the affairs of this life, II Tim 2:4. The term entanglement means; 1) involve somebody or something in a problem that will be difficult to escape from, 2) to make something more complicated or confusing. The Lord is going to use persons like Daniel who know how not to be entangled with corporate politics but remain free from the net that brings death in the form of ineffectiveness.

4) It was revealed that this is going to be a year of ‘God's government’.
Is 9:6 ...and the government rests on His shoulders. ‘That in doing so the yoke of the world's issues are to be declared by God's people as transferred to the heavens.’ As a result I feel as though the Lord has brought full-circle recompense and conviction upon the heads of evil-doers who mishandle this governments resources and seek to dismantle our great Constitution which by the way is a sacred God-Inspired ingenious structure for democracy. The drafters of the constitution were men who feared and revered the Lord.

There is an awakening happening and a compelling from the Lord of Hosts. It’s a military call requiring leaders to suit up and await His orders. Not to be construed as an act of conventional warfare but a different battle cry. Cities will be taken through strategies that are to be guided by the sages of the land and their wisdom will ensure success.
Jesus said the Meek with inherit the earth. Mt 5:5. The Bible does not teach a liberal distribution of authority, but true positions will be given to those who are of a humble spirit. It will be these who will be given the reigns here on the earth and The Kingdom to come will be governed by Christ and those who rule and reign with Him. The Greek translation for the regional leaders over His people referred to in both the Old and New Testament is angels or messengers.

Patriotism defined: A proud supporter or defender of his or her country or way of life; loyalty, partisanship, devotion.
A wave of patriotism will flood the land. I personally haven’t felt so strong about the direction of this nation until the last 4 years. God does shine on the country and like the nations in the Old Testament He is slow to anger and will stir up His spokesman to start His own kind of war. This is a great time to be in the Lord’s army.

5) Movement starting in cities.
So now in 2010 why is God making an appeal to cities? He is actually exposing some long-standing deception and blowing a trumpet announcing that He is coming back to pay us a visit.The word City is seen well over one thousand times in the Bible. A brief look of Jesus ministry shows He addressed several people groups in different cities. He made declaration; He wept over in and even cursed whole cities. The beginning of the end for many cities was the rejection of the Lord and in the end became mockeries. Not a good climate for business or tourism.

The keys to the end of death and corruption are found in the book of Joel 2:

1) The hearing of the sound of the trumpet which is an instruction from the Lord to call the city out and wake up! The voice of the Lord …. a voice of reason that requires steps taken by leaders to activate and motivate the people in the city.
2) Gathering the people, setting apart the congregation and all saying in a unified front spare your people. IN THE CITY which describes a ‘congregation’ of those who have chosen to reside together. The Lord does place responsibility on the citizens of the city …… not just clergy or priests all of the people!
3) The Lord does set a value on this change of direction promising to rebuke the devourer! ‘I will repay you for the years that the locust have eaten’ That means the local economy gets going again.
4) An open heaven and removal of the dark cloud of death and blindness; …..
Then afterward, I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; your sons shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even male and female slaves, in those days I will pour out My Spirit. You see the whole city prospers.

The practical application;

It is very important to realize the time that we are now standing in. It is vital that we as Christian’s learn how to communicate better. Much of what has been shared in this journal is spiritual and should be seen as visionary in nature. It is the nature of the prophetic. While this is true, it is this author’s intention to use the revelation to become more effective in communicating with the general public and to the diversity of cultures we come in contact with.
Many are the hard lessons learned by Christian’s in past campaigns that have gone armed with ‘spiritual clubs’ and literally drove people away. This should not be so. I am ever mindful of the Lord’s appeal He had with the common folk and how simple he made it to believe in Him.
If what the prophets are saying around this great nation is true, then we better prepare ourselves to be able to deliver when we are called upon to occupy seats in government. This can only happen if we are credible and believable.

6) God will issue an indictment on terrorism:
Indictment: a formal accusation of a serious crime, presented to a grand jury.

I do believe that GOD’S GOT THIS ONE! HE is both judge and jury.
I really feel strongly about this issue. Terrorists are at war with the God of Israel who is also declared the God of the United States. It is imperative that Christians pray effectively and continually over this. At the time of this writing of this second part of this New Year prophetic Journal, I was drawn to the news reports are that a chief Taliban leader was killed.

“The head of the Taliban in Pakistan, Hakimullah Mehsud, was killed in a U.S. drone attack, Pakistan state television reported Sunday.”
This is significant!! It is the key in foiling the plans of the enemy. I have seen this first hand when our law enforcement task force has singled out leaders of gangs and gotten them indicted. Leaders such as the ones listed pose a very serious treat and must be eliminated and if captured must fall under the jurisdiction of the military.

It is interesting to note that the recent debate in America over court jurisdiction in the case of self-professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is at the forefront and an issue of debate:
“Up to now, the Obama administration has stood by Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to move the suspects, including, from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to New York to be tried in federal court rather than before a military commission, as many Republicans have demanded.”

“The White House is not backing down from its stance that a civilian trial is appropriate and worthy venue for seeking to bring the alleged conspirators to justice.”

"President Obama is still committed to trying Mohammed and four other terrorist detainees in federal court," spokesman Bill Burton told the Daily News on Thursday. "He agrees with the attorney general's opinion that ... (the detainees) can be litigated successfully and securely in the United States of America, just like others have."

As Christian we need to pray that this current administration get some understanding about these terrorists and place them in the hands of the military courts. These terrorist do are not to benefit from this nations constitutional rights. They are premeditating murdering haters of God’s people.

As Christians we need to realize something today about this war that is wagging in the heavens. These extremist’s are those who have been steeped in the cup of great deception for generations. They are blind and have only linear vision. Arguing with this spirit is futile!

This is a very strong and dark power and it will take nothing less than a move by the Lord of Hosts to put a bit in the mouth of this dark horse. As I seek God’s heart over this seemingly daunting task the more I realize how much of a divine move of God it will take to shake the heavens in these lands and show His mighty power. I am convinced that many Muslims can and will get saved in the last days. I pray that the Lord keep His church in tune with strategies to minister to these people and that the Spirit of the Lord bring a strong anointing to reveal His power to them.

I recently spoke with a man from Lebanon who has a mansion near the border of Israel. The man is a believer in Druze sect of Islam. His neighbors are prime ministers of Dubai and Kuwait. My relationship with this man was such that he shared a very powerful conviction he had concerning Israel: He told me that whenever he and his family cross the border into Israel “The hair on my arms stand up strait because of the power of Israels God that is felt in that land” When he said that it hit me too! What an absolute testimony of divine power that is reigning in the that land. God is watching over His covenant and ever present. Many are the true accounts of God’s divine provinces. The Lord will indeed intervene against the enemies of his people. I am at the edge of my seat this year watching for the next strategic strike.

Author's note:

This really seems to be a time when God is connecting people –like connecting the dots on a graph so it is that the Lord seems to linking people and increasing communication confirming strategies in this era. Everyday I receive ‘downloads.’ They are very unpredictable and I find myself having to scramble for something to write it down with. 10 years ago I started journaling because the Lord told me that if I didn’t record it, it would not continue to be spilled out. I asked no questions and began writing and dating it with fear and trepidation.

The last decade of journaling, I would learn later, would come together as a book that is nearing completion. What a challenge it has been! Ask anyone who knows me, I would rather be in my woodshop - trust me. Writing is not my natural talent and I really have been looking forward to getting the book out so I could go back out and play again. Wrong again! I’m wrong sometimes, just ask anyone who knows me.

Like many who have been so directed, I will continue to post journals until the Lord releases me.

I've opened the settings on this blog to invite your comments. Feel free to contribute.

In His Service

Gregory Klecker

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About Me

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Greg is currently employed as a police detective within a diverse culture and high crime area of Michigan. He is a student of Theology and Business. Greg has over 25 years of experience in prophetic ministry and is a seasoned minister of the gospel. He has been a conference and convention speaker in the U.S. and abroad. He is a Senior Chaplain with International Fellowship of Chaplains and has served on the board as a Corporate Liaison and Public Relations. Greg lives in Michigan with his wife Julie. They have seven children. Julie is a professional counselor. Greg is completing work on his first book ‘WARRIOR of the FINISHER’
