20 January 2010

Prophetic Journal for 2010 Part I

prophetic journal

When I woke this morning, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me about 2010. But first, let me share a brief dream about movement in the heavens. I was put on the spot to preach to a mixed group of people, some who were Christians and others who were not yet saved. I found myself challenged on what it was God wanted me to deliver as the group was so diverse and the world was still in much war and the mood of the people politically strained. I felt as though I needed to confront some issues but felt a deal of heaviness in the room. Suddenly an angel entered the room and I was catapulted to the pulpit. I mean I took flight! Immediately I had the strength and renewed sense of strength to say what needed to be said and addressed.

For the next few days I reflected on the dream and how it actually translated in terms of the what, where, and when. It then dawned on me that the Lord was dispatching His army of angelic hosts for this time. A refreshing blast of His freeing presence sent to minister to the saints in the midst of the battle field. What great timing! There is nothing more rejuvenating than being in the presence of His divine angels because the reality on the earth is encounters with strongholds. The fact that God is sending His messengers in this time is very strategic, exciting and brings hope for the battles ahead.

This is an arena of God's providence which I have personally experienced throughout the years but have taken for granted. And as I feel the increase of movement I recall in biblical history that God’s angels have diversified roles and expressions of His multifaceted character including warring! The bible is full of true accounts of divine angelic intervention and activity especially in war times. The apostle John when in chains on the island of Patmos was sent an angel to communicate the things to come; to issue warnings to seven types of churches representing providences, and reveal a panoramic view of not only wars but the activity in the heavens.

Most importantly are the specific strategic heavenly angelic assignments for certain events on the earth. It is interesting to note that John the apostle, a righteous man, persecuted and imprisoned and isolated on an island would be the recipient of an array of graphic details of the future - an unprecedented and never to be matched foretelling of world events! Angels were sent to minister to him during that revelatory time. Angels then are necessary links to arming the saints. Not to be deified, worshipped or prayed to but placed by God to be recognized as performing His will and order in heaven and earth.

It is not by mere chance that the Greek translation for the regional leaders referred to is angels or messengers. This was a description of the mandate and responsibilities in their regions - to get the message from heaven and convey the information on the earth.

This hour is a very important and pivotal time in the world. As we approached the end of the year 2009 I felt the toll the last decade has taken on the church as a whole. It marked much change and a time of heavy labor and tilling of dry parched ground. While it has been a somewhat unpleasant journey, it should be noted that God has actually groomed the church for the end time ground taking in world affairs.

And despite what we think we are seeing unfolding in the natural, the natural or carnal eye often misses the positioning and movement in heavenly places. That which was revealed to John, and much more than was communicated to the seven providences in John’s letters is now unfolding before us. God is dispatching angels for the end time conquest to do His bidding.

A 2010 prophecy:

2010 will mark increase in movement from heaven that will cause tremors in the government. The politicians who have disgraced the constitution and opened the gates of hell through perverted laws and bills will become fearful and act utterly stupid because God is about to confound the wise. God will confront His enemies which will include those in the ecclesiastical venue who seek to trample out the Jewish and Christian heritage.

2010 and forward God is going to issue an indictment on terrorism and He will punish the doers of evil. One of the functions of the four-horseman will be to deliver a mighty blow to the originators of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian demonic powers and strongholds that have stirred up strife against the elect.

On this first day of 2010, it was revealed that this is going to be a year of God's government. Ten is the number for government and this is the year the church will take flight and be released into positions of authority. Many will be pushed out of the nest of infancy and begin to fly. God's people are now being delivered from being weak and passive and will now start confronting evil. They will do so with grace and wisdom and not come under falsehood or entrapment of being politically correct.

On this first day of 2010, the yoke of the world's issues are to be declared by God's people as transferred to the heavens. Is 9:6 ...and the government rests on His shoulders.
God's people will be promoted according to their obedience and be placed in positions of authority to do something about the condition in their providence. John's vision and warnings to the providences were so we could learn the rules of engagement and see what is behind the scene.

This will be the year that the church now draws boundary lines and makes declaration 'This is our ground and you will not defile it!' This is the year when God's people will call out the political spirit and expose it before men and angels. This year marks the year of the confronters who have been trained in the art of war in the secret place of the Most High God. Their power and strength come from the Lord and no enemy can predict their next move. This is the year that the church will not be able to stay in one place and remain stagnant because God is on the move!

Issues America has experienced in this last decade are much like an invasion of locusts and even parasites. This plague is a wake up call to the church. 2010 is a year to get it right with the Lord and make a unified stand against tyranny and disorder. It is God’s heart to bring blessing and show forth that He is a God to be feared and consulted.

Joel viewed a locust plague that ravished the county as God’s judgment on the people and called them to repentance. Using this catastrophe as a dire warning, the prophet Joel went on to depict the advent of the day of the Lord and its final judgments and blessings in Joel 2:28 The New Oxford annotated bible.

In this hour God is saying “Blow the trumpet in Zion His people …. Gather the people…sanctify the congregation…… Let them say “spare your people, Oh Lord…I will no longer make you a mockery among nations. I will repay you for the years that the locust have eaten…..Then afterward, I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; your sons shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even male and female slaves, in those days I will pour out My Spirit.( Joel 2).

Then He began to reproach the cities in which most of his deeds of power have been done, because they did not repent. “Woe to you Chorazin! (city north of the Sea of Galilee were Jesus performed many mighty works, He pronounced judgment on it because it did not repent and believe) Woe to you Berthsaida! For the deeds of power done in Tyre (ancient seaport north of Palestine, sister city of Sidon) and Sidon (city on the Mediterranean coast where Jesus performed miracles in the outskirts, noted for its artistic works, skilled tradesmen, schools of learning in sciences, arithmetic and school of law), they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, on the day of judgment it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you Capernaum, (city of much of Jesus’ ministry and town where Jesus again pronounced judgment for its’ unbelief) will you be exalted to heaven? No, you will be brought down to Hades. For if the deeds of power done you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I tell you that on the day of judgment, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom than for you.”

At that time Jesus said, “ I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, father, for such was your gracious will. Come to Me all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me: for I am gentle and humble at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Mt 11:20-28

The message for this hour in 2010 is to draw attention to God’s heart for these cities that have experienced an exodus of His presence – most of which has been a result of unbelief . In Jesus ministry the New Testament recorded specific appeals He made to cities, and how He went to the Father often and petitioned heaven for the people in those cities that were experiencing a spiritual death. Most importantly is the fact that Jesus put the responsibility on the priests who metaphorically speaking couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I mean God walked into town and performed great exploits and was rejected by the religious folk. (More about this in detail in part II.)

So now in 2010 why is God making an appeal to cities? He is actually exposing some long-standing deception and blowing a trumpet announcing that He is coming back to pay us a visit. The priests who have for so long asked Him why He left are realizing they made some errors along the way that have lead to a time of obscurity.

The great news about this is, while it is the nature of God to discipline His people, Oh how pleasant it is when the Father – who has put us on the right path again sets His face toward us and pours out a blessing! And this is the hour when God is going to give the church a powerful sword of truth and authority to move through cities and proclaim once again He is King.

Revival cities:

God is going to once again visit cities in ruins and dry bones. God has dripped honey in the most unlikely towns all over the world and brought deep revelation and maturity to many of his servants.

Detroit Michigan will experience renewal in the renaissance including the arts, music and dance. Businesses will be attracted to this and sister cities like Detroit which are birthplaces for great talent. I personally worked in a suburb of Detroit as a policeman. Every time I visit that City my heart goes out for what appears to be such loss and abandonment. However, lately I have been seeing in the spirit this city is actually going to be a hub in the years ahead. It will be a strategic place that will house headquarters for missions, printing presses, moviemakers and the performing arts. It is God’s pleasure that people are once again dancing and this time for something far greater than the fame of MOTOWN.

The bible belt will burst at its seams and those who have applied themselves to His Word will carry the torch of last day revival and will be able to release spiritual, mental and physical healing into pockets that have been plagued with witchcraft. The Carolinas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Ohio will host great praise fests and revivals so vast that outdoor gatherings will be necessary.

As the United States commerce takes a fateful turn toward the European management trend, North Carolina which is central for banking, will turn out executives who will get saved and defect from the worldly system. They will use their experience in commerce to protect the church and preserve world missions from being stripped of their resources. All the more reason to reach out to those who have been disciplined this last year for the mismanagement of hard-earned American business and investment dollars.

The east coast will morn as they realize that as gatekeepers of the threshold of freedom established by pilgrims who fled from England have yielded to invaders. Ministries from the south will be instrumental in revival and dismantling dens of witchcraft that have caused spiritual death for centuries.
California will see a promotion of Christians into government who will be instrumental in arm wrestling and defeating the increasing tide of immigrants who come to this nation to only take and pillage.

Much of Canada will turn to Christ and find refuge in the U.S as a friend. Our military will be engaged in the protection of the borders in a time of temptation by invaders.

Many unemployed will find work when the U.S. begins to tap into its’ natural resources.

As a result of revival, those who have faithfully labored in missions will be aided by more manpower. God is pleased with what the United States has produced by way of missionaries. He will see to it that they receive help and angelic protection in the cause of spreading the gospel.


I am not quite clear on how the Lord is going to deal with radical Islam and the encroachment toward our boarders by those who participate in terrorism, but in due time a message will be sent in a big way. God has His eyes on terrorism and He will deliver recompense on those who plot to destroy Israel and further their cause in the United States. This may be several strategic military strikes which will have His favor or a supernatural act from the Lord of Hosts that would result in the attention of the world being directed to the Middle East. If I had a choice - I chose the latter as it is clear from the scriptures that these acts will occur –especially in the Middle East.

People in the United States must keep there eyes open and both discern and confront encroachments into our boarders. Being passive and accepting of those who bash this great nation is unconscionable and unacceptable. I believe God has given us a mandate to draw a line in the sand and make it plain that America is a great nation and we will fight to preserve our great heritage. This will require a seasoned boldness to address and confront this foreign radical sect from bringing harm to our citizens. This means proactive participation in government and in universities who will unknowingly be host to sleepers who can gain easy access to privileged information.

Racial and ethnic challenge:

On the home front, racial tensions will reach a boiling point and it will be the Church who will be the peacemakers. God is going to use persons who have become free from racial hatred to instruct and divert a clash of racist attitudes by exposing racism and putting it in perspective as a learned behavior over generations. This is going to require a close inspection of our own attitudes that we have developed over the years.

In His Service,

Greg Klecker

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About Me

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Greg is currently employed as a police detective within a diverse culture and high crime area of Michigan. He is a student of Theology and Business. Greg has over 25 years of experience in prophetic ministry and is a seasoned minister of the gospel. He has been a conference and convention speaker in the U.S. and abroad. He is a Senior Chaplain with International Fellowship of Chaplains and has served on the board as a Corporate Liaison and Public Relations. Greg lives in Michigan with his wife Julie. They have seven children. Julie is a professional counselor. Greg is completing work on his first book ‘WARRIOR of the FINISHER’
